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A Tough Reality: My Life After University

Like many young graduates, I once believed that life after university would be easy. With my degree, I thought that securing a job in a bank or corporate office would be a smooth and straightforward process. That dream fueled my years of study, pushing me to excel. But now, standing on the other side of graduation, I am confronted with a harsh reality—one filled with frustration, disappointments, and an uncertain future.

The Power of African Art: How Creativity Connects Culture, History, and Identity

Are you an art fanatic? Art is an extremely powerful way to deepen understanding for other cultures, share stories, and preserve traditions. 

In honor of the recent “Inspire Your Heart with Art Day”, celebrated on January 31st, we can take a moment to admire some inspiring African artists and their incredible artwork.

Check out the work of these talented African artists:

How Online Learning is Opening Doors for African Students

Every morning, I wake up, quickly get ready, and then get in my car for the five-minute drive to school. When I think of my daily routine, I see it as dull and rather average for a teenager. But in reality, being able to wake up and go to school so close to my home is a dream that many are not fortunate to have. But, dreams are becoming a reality as online learning becomes increasingly available to African students. 

Navigating Language Barriers and Embracing Multilingualism: My First-Hand Experience as a Student in Accra, Ghana

After completing my first degree in Sierra Leone, I embarked on an academic journey to Accra, Ghana, filled with anticipation and excitement. The prospect of immersing myself in Ghana’s vibrant culture, rich history, and renowned hospitality was exhilarating. Yet, I knew that adapting to a new linguistic environment would be one of my most significant challenges. I didn’t anticipate how deeply my experience with language barriers and the beauty of multilingualism would shape my stay in this incredible city.


Student Success Stories - Beth Interviews 3 Computer Training Graduates

Imagine going through school never touching a computer.  Those of us who are of a certain age can imagine this.  Maybe we used a manual or electric typewriter, then graduated to a word processor, wondering at how the machine could store our report and allow us to make edits without retyping whole pages.  But for a millennial, the thought of going through school – through high school – without using a computer is unimaginable.

Small Donations Make a Difference

On our trip to Sierra Leone (see previous blog post), my wife and I had the opportunity to briefly visit the village of Kamawornie, tour the local primary and secondary schools, and meet with teachers, students, and parents.  Our short stay in the village opened our eyes though to not only the desperate requirement for basic educational resources, but also to the fact that for a few dollars we could meaningfully address this need.

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Families in Sierra Leone face unprecedented challenges due to rising costs. Inflation makes it difficult for them to afford basic food staples such as rice, cooking oil, and onions.

Extending a helping hand can alleviate a significant burden and provide essential relief to the less fortunate.

Help provide relief by donating today!

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