Below are some of the testimonials that we have received through various channels - over email, through the web site contact form, notes submitted along with donations, and others.
- I'm so glad that this organization exists and is making a difference!! Keep up the great work!
S. Stubbendick
- I am a teacher. I believe in education and I believe in your organization!
C.B Suffolk , VA USA
- Keep up the amazing work!
W.K. Florida USA
- Thank you for your good work. We all feel the benefits, spiritually and actually. Thank you!
B.L Los Gatos , CA USA,
- Thank you for your efforts!
J. Y. Dallas , TX
- Thank you for the information about the wonderful progress and meaningful efforts you all put in on developing "Develop Africa, Inc." Congratulations on a professional job well done.
F.B. Johnson City, TN - It sounds like such a worthy venture and I applaud your efforts. B.H. Bristol, Virginia
- I'm very thrilled at the work you're doing in DA. This newsletter has revealed so much!. Thank you very much for your dream and passion to develop Africa.
J.T. Freetown, Sierra Leone. - I was very impressed with your website and coming from Tanzania and having worked there for many years in the Aids orphanage I have seen first hand problems which they face due to poor leadership.
N.S. Birmingham , UK