Become a Hero - School Group or Organization Partnership
Is Your Organization Interested in Making a Difference in Africa?
We offer several ways for organizations of all types (school, college, service-focused, developmental-focused, religious etc) to serve and you can make a difference. Partnering with Develop Africa provides an opportunity for us to together magnify our impact and touch more lives. We welcome the partnership of all kinds of groups and organizations globally.
Note: This is for organizations and groups outside Africa - who are interested in helping to support programs in Africa.
Organization Background:
Develop Africa is a 501C3, non-profit organization founded with the aim of facilitating meaningful and sustainable development in Africa. Develop Africa's primary office is in Johnson City, Tennessee and we are happy to answer any questions you might have over email or a phone call.
Here are some great ways to get involved:
- Donations of school supplies: Hold a donations drive and collect new and gently used school supplies. Then send them to us to ship to Africa. 2006 to 2019: we have provided supplies to over 100,000 kids in the following countries: Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, and Tanzania. We are so very thankful for the increasing volume of school supplies that we receive each year. Our partners / channels of distribution include the US Army Civil Affairs teams, Develop Africa Sierra Leone and a network of partners and schools in multiple countries. This network is growing each year and we receive new requests each month.
- Raise funds for specific items such as solar lights. Solar lights provide a safe and renewal way for kids to study at night.
- Sponsor a child for one year or on an ongoing basis. The child will become the sponsored child of your organization. This is our top recommended way to connect with and make a difference in the life of a specific child.
- Volunteer virtually or at our Tennessee office. There are several ways to help out from writing blog posts to creating pictures with text overlays.
When you become a Develop Africa partner, you become a hero!
By partnering with Develop Africa for your service or charity project you:
- Join a team of people all over the world who work hard at providing the necessary aid.
- Your group will have an opportunity to participate in team building exercises as you work together for a good cause.
- As individuals, you’ll have attractive additions to your resume or CV.
- Being a part of this positive movement towards the betterment of individuals, communities, and nations will provide a strong sense of purpose.
- And there is nothing quite as fulfilling as creating a better world for future generations.
When you choose Develop Africa for your service project you’ll be in great company
Many fraternities, sororities, high school, and college service groups are involved in a wide range of activities. These activities include raising funds and collecting supplies. Here are some examples:
Amnesty International at East Tennessee State University held a Benefit Concert
- Raised funds
- Created awareness for Develop Africa
- Got the local community involved
- Had fun!
Epsilon Tau Chapter of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority Inc. raised funds for Develop Africa's Vocational Training and Microfinance Program
- Raised enough funds to supply a sewing machine.
- Offered a necessary tool to help Josie lift himself out of poverty. held a donations drive for school supplies
- Engaged in team building exercises
- Created awareness for Develop Africa
- Provided necessary learning tools
Read more about the group/activity
Folsom High School’s Global Perspective Studies group held a supply donations drive 
- Engaged their school to participate
- Created awareness for global issues
- Learned how to make a difference
Read more and see a photo of the supplies collected
Centennial High School’s Future Business Leaders of America and 21st Century Leaders held a donations drive
- Collected over 3000 items
- Worked together for a good cause
- Learned how to make a difference in the world
Read more about the school group service activity
How to Become a Partner and Join Other Heroes in Making A Difference
- Review the Hero Responsibilities / Guidelines (below). Feel free to ask us any clarifying questions
- Each organization will need a contact person to fill out the Hero Sign Up Form
- Each organization will need to participate in one activity of their choice each year to stay active as a Hero Partner.
- Renewal will need to be done each year by resubmitting our partnership form and completing or present planning on that year’s activity
Your Responsibilities as a Partner / Guidelines
- We require at least one group picture and as many pictures of the event or activity that your group can provide.
- Pics, including group pics, to be used on Develop Africa’s website as well as Develop Africa’s social media
- Your group is responsible to get any permissions needed before sharing photos with individuals/groups.
- We will need a copy or a photo of any flyer, email, or any other advertising effort.
- Your group may only use approved Develop Africa logos for sharing on social media, emails and all printed promotional materials. Custom logos must be approved by Develop Africa.
- Your group may only use approved Develop Africa logos for sharing on social media, emails and all printed promotional materials. Custom logos must be approved by Develop Africa.
- Groups are responsible to collect the name and contact information for any individual/business/group that is making a monetary or school supply donation. This is important, particularly if the donor would like to receive a tax receipt. This also helps us keep track of and record all donations (including school/office supplies).
- If doing a school supplies drive:
- Your group is responsible for collecting items
- Your group is responsible for discarding unusable items
- Your group is responsible for packing and shipping items to Develop Africa’s Johnson City, TN office
- Your group is responsible for informing Develop Africa that a shipment is on its way
- Your group is highly encouraged to send a monetary donation to help with shipping the items from Tennessee to Africa. We recommend a $50.00 donation for each box.
Program or Service Activities That Your Group / Organization Can Do / Engage In
Your choice to partner with Develop Africa will give your group or organization a healthy variety of projects to choose from when deciding how to help.
Child Sponsorship: This is our top recommended Activity. Help a child go to school. Meet his / her basic needs. The child will be the sponsored child of your group. You will receive pictures of and video messages from your sponsored child. This is great opportunity to impact a specific life long term.
Collect School Supplies: Many groups are involved in this activity. It provides a great learning and service opportunity.
Raise Funds and Send Specific Items like Solar Lights
Hold a fundraiser and collect money for one of Develop Africa’s projects - such as Scholarships, Computer Training. Vocational Training, Orphan Care, Disaster Relief or Microfinance. Click here to learn more about fundraising.
- Help launch a library of 1000 general reading books at a school. More details on this will be added by the end of September.
Fill out the registration form and get started today