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You Are a Smile Maker, Report from Tutor and Thank you Message From 3 Gems

Warm greetings.

Here's an update on the classes: Classes are progressing well at the school.  This report includes an update from the Computer Class Tutor - Maada M. and 3 brief video thank you messages for the girls - true gems, expressing their appreciation for your support that has opened this door of opportunity for them.

Summary Report from Maada, Computer Tutor

Course Topics:

  1. Definition of a computer
  2. Parts of The Computer system (Keyboard, mouse, monitor, system unit)
  3. Classification of computers by Size (desktop, laptop, palm top etc)
  4. Characteristics of computers (speed, accuracy, size, storage)
  5. Advantages and of Disadvantages of computers
  6. Uses of computers (Home, Education, Government, Hospital etc.)
  7. Definition of software (Ubuntu)
  8. Desktop elements and their function (computer, document, trash)
  9. Creating folder, renaming and deleting folders.
  10. Changing background
  11. Changing date and time
  12. How to use (play)  utility games
  13. Working with Open Office Programs (Microsoft Office)
  14. Elements of the Open Office Program (title bar, menu bar tool bars, work environment)
  15. Creating a file in open office word processor
  16. Editing a documents in open office (use of spelling and grammar)
  17. Formatting a document in open office (use of Bold, italic, bullet & numbers, line space, underline etc.)
  18. Reproducing simple office documents like; letters, memos, invoice etc.
  19. Introduction to Excel (Spreadsheet)


General Performance:

From the assessment / test done, I am proud to say that the general performance of the pupils is good. A test was conducted on 23rd and 25th of January 2012 for the class 6 pupils. From the test results, 18 of the pupils scored 80%, 25 scored 50-79%, and 11 scored below 50%. It is hoped the pupils will improve on this record in the next assessment which will be done in April.

Concluding Remark:
The whole exercise is very encouraging because the literacy in computer studies is allaying the fears of the pupils and because of the basic computer skills they have acquired they can now operate a computer. This will widen their horizon as they grow up and be able to appreciate the essence of computers not only in school but in other environments. It has also aroused their interest and got them to realize the importance of computer studies.

Here is a link to a Youtube Video where 3 of the Girls say "Thank you" for this opportunity"

What we are doing together is amazing and its heart-warming to see and hear the messages of appreciation from the girls.  W are truly changing mindsets together and opening a new world of opportunity for these girls.  All thanks to YOU!.  Thanks donors and friends for joining us in showing girls (as aptly said by Bintu in the video) that we love and care for them! 

Special thanks to all Develop Africa, GlobalGiving and SeeYourImpact donors for helping to make this on-going training possible - empowering and placing value on girls in Africa.  We deeply appreciate your support!

In closing, we would like to share a new phrase with you - "Smile Maker" : A "Smile Maker" by our definition is someone that makes others smile or helps to create an environment that results in smiles.  As you can see from the photos and video clips, the girls are smiling and very appreciative of your support. That makes you a "Smile Maker".  You deserve the "Smile Maker Badge of honor!  

We welcome your donation today that will help us provide on-going training, window curtains and ceiling fans or an air conditioner. 

Thanks again for your support and best wishes!




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