You are Helping Sorie Obtain A Teaching Degree
YOUR support helped Sorie further his education - giving him a new start and opportunity in life.
Sorie lives in a small village called Kamawoni. He wanted to continue his education by going to a teacher's college. He tells us a little about himself and expresses his gratitude below.
"My name is Sorie. I live at Kamawoni village. Kamakwe town. I am a school teacher, teaching at the Kamawoni village school. I am an orphan. My mother and father died when I was at a tender age. I come from an extended family with four siblings that look up to me for support. I shall be going to the Teachers college this academic year. Thank you for your support." Read more in his letter - in his own writing...
Thanks for being a part of helping Sorie, a deserving future leader! Together we are building a new breed of quality leaders. We deeply appreciate your on-going support!