You are giving these deserving girls a chance at becoming future leaders
Your donations have helped us ship much needed school supplies to gilrs in Sierra Leone. While we take pencils, paper, notebooks and other supplies for granted, these gilrs see each pencil as a treasure. A pencil and notebook opens a door of opportunity to these young girls. Each girl that receives school supplies is being given the chance at a better future.
Only 54% of enrolled girls in Sierra Leone successfully complete primary school. Families with limited funds to educate their children focus on sending their boys to school, and many girls who start school drop out because their parents cannot afford to continue to cover all the school-related costs. So - each girl that receives school supplies is being given the chance at a better future.
YOU are giving these deserving girls a chance at becoming future leaders. Girls who complete their education are better equipped to pursue their dreams, increase their ability to be financially independent and contribute to national development.