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Why Nets are Important = Prevention is Better than Cure

We appreciate your continued support that is providing long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) to families and individuals, like Francess, in Sierra Leone. Bed nets are an effective way to protect families while they sleep at night from Malaria. 

Malaria continues to be one of the most challenging epidemics in Africa. It is a major cause of death among children under the age of five. Looking closely into Freetown in Sierra Leone, Dr. Winstina Gbondo and Dr. Nehlama Barrie, detail their experience and struggle with this disease in this video.  Note this video includes some footage from a hospital that contains upsetting scenes.

Healthcare is free for children under five in Sierra Leone, however, free healthcare is reliant on international funding.  The death rate increases on a daily basis and late medical attention is a major factor. Also, inadequate standard healthcare infrastructure, illiteracy and lack of awareness on the part of parents and healthcare providers are added factors. 

These challenges and more define the night shift in Freetown, Sierra Leone. With international funding not guaranteed to continue and children brought in at critical conditions, healthcare officials like Dr. Nehlama Barrie find motivation in the thought that this child could be hers and to work tirelessly to save each life. Being able to save a child’s life is what she finds so rewarding. 

Francess Y with bed net

Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) that are being provided to families in Freetown are an effective ongoing source of protection to prevent Malaria.   Your continued support is appreciated as we strive to provide every family in Sierra Leone with a protective bed net. We encourage you to start a monthly recurring donation here. Even a few dollars a month will go a long way. Please also share this with your contacts and invite them to consider supporting this ongoing project. 


Families in Sierra Leone face unprecedented challenges due to rising costs. Inflation makes it difficult for them to afford basic food staples such as rice, cooking oil, and onions.

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