Uniforms Making a difference for 2 Girls
Thank you for your support to providing uniforms for students for school. While, we did not raise enough money to provide 40 students with uniforms, we were able to give uniforms to 2 young ladies who were delighted to receive them.
According to Poverty Action lab, giving a uniform reduces school absenteeism by 6.4 percentage points (43 percent) from a base of 15 percent school absenteeism. The effect is 3.4 percentage points larger for students who did not have a uniform at the baseline. Providing shoes and uniforms will enable more children to attend school and the promise of a better future.
We appreciate you working with us to make a difference in the lives of these children. We invite you to support education for children in Freetown, which contributes to the achievement of UN Millennium goal - ensuring that children will complete their schooling. It is an effective long-term investment to eradicating poverty & will help improve the quality of education and lives in general. Education is a proven contributor to individual and national development. Through the education that we are providing, we are raising better equipped and resourceful leaders, families and nations.
Thanks so much for helping to give them the opportunity of a brighter future.