Together Have Enriched the Lives of 20 Kids And Their Families With Safe Solar Lights
We are deeply grateful for YOUR support as we realize the significance of what this batch of lights will be to the kids in Africa.
Kerosene lamps cause burns, fires, produce smoke and particulate into the air that can damage lungs and eyes. Thankfully, this damage will no longer occur in the lives of the kids that will receive the lights that YOU helped provide.
According to Greenlight Planet’s website, 75% of homes with the solar lighting were able to increase study time, 25% increased income, and 84% of users felt their air quality was improved. Together have enriched the lives of 20 kids and their families.
The lights that we have received excellent field feedback with are the d.light S300. These lights are currently not available in Sierra Leone. Consequently, we ordered them from Amazon. We recently received them at our office in Tennessee and will be shipping them out in this month. The photos of the lights are included in this report.
Thanks again for your support!
We are committed to helping to keep more families safe. With this in mind, we have created a new project to help provide more lights. Thanks for your on-going support as we make the world safer for us all.