Thanks to Mosquito Nets - No More Malaria and Sound Sleep
Light, camera, action! - It's video time and time to hear from none other than our bed net beneficiaries themselves.
This report provides a peek into the world of 2 children in Freetown who briefly talk about the difference that the bed nets have made in their lives. Kadiatu firstly, tells us that "the bed net was so important in promoting good health. No more mosquito bites, malaria, skin rash". She also adds, "No more extra spending in my health. The benefits are staying. Healthy sound mind, sound sleep".
Ali, the second beneficiary, tells us that "Without the treated bed nets, I would not be as healthy as I am. Thanks to Develop Africa my mother is now using the proceeds from her business to nourish my body – not to fight malaria."
The video is 2 minutes long and also includes several individual and group photos of other beneficiaries. Click here to watch the video of the bed net beneficiaries.
Two key elements to note here:
- Beneficiaries are now safe, healthy and sleeping well. Besides not getting sick, the nets are providing the added benefit of sleep - which we all welcome
- The nets are saving the families from unnecessary expenditure on malaria sickness treatment. From talking to the families, we know that this can be an unnecessary drain on the meager financial resources of families.
By providing this simple but effective solution, we are together making a definite difference. Thanks so much for your life-changing and on-going support.