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Submit a review on

Love the work that we are doing? Here's one way you can help: You can submit a review about Develop Africa on  This would take just 2-3 minutes of your time:
Write a review on GreatNonProfits
Here are some info about what you could add:  
- simple, short and sweet
- what you like about DA
- what you think about the work we are doing etc. 
- why what we are doing is important
Note: You can use any username of your choice.
We would so very much appreciate you doing this.  Here are the steps:
1.  Go to website:
2. Click on "Write a review" button
3.  Fill out the form as appropriate with as much or as little information as you prefer.
Thanks so much for helping us do even more.



Families in Sierra Leone face unprecedented challenges due to rising costs. Inflation makes it difficult for them to afford basic food staples such as rice, cooking oil, and onions.

Extending a helping hand can alleviate a significant burden and provide essential relief to the less fortunate.

Help provide relief by donating today!

Help provide relief food