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Solar Lights are Helping Future Leaders Study at Night

We greatly appreciate your support that has helped to provide more students with solar lights. One of the students that recently received a solar light is Salamatu.  Salamatu is grateful to be able to read and study at night with her new solar light.  She enjoys going to school and says math is her favorite subject. Salamatu would like to be a nurse when she grows up.

Salamatu with solar lights

Another student that recently received a solar light is Adama.  She just completed her 3rd year of Junior Secondary School (JSS3) and expressed her gratitude for the solar light saying that it helped her study at night for school.  Adama loves going to school, she enjoys reading and hopes to be a lawyer when she grows up.    


Our goal is to provide a solar light to every student in need so that dangerous kerosene lamps are no longer needed to study at night.  We invite you to continue helping us provide solar lights to students in need.  


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