Site Visit by Develop Africa: We are Truly Empowering the Disadvantaged
Sylvester returned August 6th from a 2 week visit to Sierra Leone. While there, he visited the tailoring school that we support. This school is located at the Develop Africa Empowerment and Training Institute, in Wellington, a suburb of Freetown.
Sylvester had the opportunity to talk with the tutors and trainees. Alhaji (the head tutor) and trainees were very appreciative of the support we are providing. They enthusiastically conveyed their deep appreciation to you for your on-going support.
The centre, from Sylvester's evaluation, is successfully continuing to fulfill its mission of empowering the disadvantaged. It provides training opportunities for those who are no longer going to school / have dropped out of school. The school is fulfilling a vital role - enabling them to learn tailoring. It is helping them to become self-reliant.
Mothers whose husbands are unable to take care of them, those idling around the community, vulnerable women, girls and boys that need help - are all benefitting from the training. 17 students are currently enrolled as follows:
4 single parents
6 school dropouts
7 married women - whose husbands are unemployed
Sylvester had the opportunity to review procedures and make improvement recommendations.
The tutors and trainees requested for us to provide tool kits to graduates. A toolkit contains a sewing machine and accessories to start a tailoring business (such as scissors, coal iron, coal bag, tape measure, table etc.). This would help graduates to start their own business. It would be wonderful if we could provide one for each graduate at a cost of $500.
Thanks for your kind assistance - empowering the disadvantaged in Freetown. We truly could NOT do this without you - we are deeply grateful for your support.