Simeon Can Now Study Safely With A Solar Powered Light
Your support has helped us provide solar power and technology to students who had to rely on dangerous kerosene lamps previously to study at night. One of the students who received a solar light is Simeon.
Simeon is nine years old and is a pupil of the Vickrays Community Primary School. He is in class three (3rd grade). He lives in a house with no electricity or running water. He is pictured with his grandfather showing his new solar light. Simeon is a hard working student who is now able to study at night. He would like to be a lawyer when he grows up. He likes to play football and enjoys music - especially drumming.
Simeon was delighted to receive a solar light. Simeon expressed his thanks and appreciation for the light that has changed his world. Thank you for helping make a difference in Simeon's life.
Please join us in making 2017 brighter and safer by providing solar power and technology to other students in need. Thanks so much for your support.