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Bed Nets were Distributed at the Baptist Tailoring School

Your continued support is greatly appreciated in providing long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) also called bed nets to families and individuals in Sierra Leone.  Bed nets were distributed to students at the Baptist Tailoring School.

 A student made this video of thanks saying- 

Hello, my name is Elizabeth.

I want to tell Develop Africa thank you for the donation of these mosquito nets to us the trainees of the Baptist Tailoring School.

Your support is making the education dream come true for girls at York village

Thanks to your support, we recently provided books and school supplies to an all-girls school located at York - outside Freetown.   

The school is an exemplary school. The Founder / Headteacher is very passionate about empowering girls.

The school environment is serene and conducive for learning.  The girls are being taught holistic leadership. They are helping to keep the compound tidy in turns 

The school is growing an assortment of fruit trees. This provides fresh fruits for the girls to eat.

1 in 6 Children Live in Extreme Poverty

According to UNICEF, 1 in 6 children live in Extreme Poverty and of that number, two-thirds live in sub-Saharan Africa.  Unfortunately, those statistics are expected to get worse due to the pandemic.  However, your generous ongoing donations are supporting children in Sierra Leone and helping make getting an education possible with school support, books and school supplies, bed nets, solar lights, and more.

You Helped Bring School Support to Bo

Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated as it continues to make an impact on the future leaders in Sierra Leone.  School supplies and financial support was provided to students in Bo, which is located in the southern part of Sierra Leone. Access to water and electricity is a challenge to residents in Bo. The major occupation for residents is mostly farming and trading. The students and parents were very thankful for the support they received.

The students expressed their thanks saying-

Fatu Writes a Letter of Thanks to You!

Your support is helping young ladies like Fatu, get their education.  She is one of the students that recently received school fees and school supplies and she wrote a letter of appreciation included below that says –

Hello. I am very much thankful to all donors for your educational support towards me. Your support are making a difference in my life.

My name is Fatu C. I am 13 years old. I live in Kamawornie village Kerena district in Sierra Leone.

Kadija is Thankful for her Vocational Training

Thanks to your ongoing support multiple vocational trainees, like Kadija, are getting the training they need to empower themselves and become self-reliant, even now during COVID-19 because of your support.  

Kadija is a current vocational trainee and expresses her gratitude for the opportunity to receive this training in her video saying- 

Emmanuel is Thankful for Your Support!

Your support is greatly appreciated as it continues to make an impact on the future leaders in Sierra Leone.  Emmanuel is one of the students that recently received school fees and school supplies and he sent a video of appreciation saying-

Hi, I am Emmanuel.  I am starting high school this year. I am so glad to learn more about Science.  I am so thankful for receiving support this year. Thank you very much!

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Families in Sierra Leone face unprecedented challenges due to rising costs. Inflation makes it difficult for them to afford basic food staples such as rice, cooking oil, and onions.

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