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Develop Africa is a 2022 Top-Ranked, Vetted, & Effective Organization on GlobalGiving

We are delighted to share with you that Develop Africa is a 2022 top-ranked organization, a Vetted organization, and Effective Organization on GlobalGiving.

We are very thankful for the opportunity to be an active member of the GlobalGiving community.  GlobalGiving provides tremendous access to learning opportunities, new donors, and committed recurring donors.

Your Support is Helping Fatmata Grow her Small Business

Your generous support is continuing to help provide microfinance loans, which helps small businesses like Fatmata's, which sells toiletries. The goal of microfinance loans is to provide parents/guardians with the ability to support their families.  Your support has helped her purchase extra merchandise including clothing and additional toiletries to sell to better support her family.  

Fatmata small business

Girls Mentoring on Mental Health

Thanks in part to your ongoing support, the Develop Africa Sierra Leone (DASL) team held another girls’ mentoring program at the end of November on the topic of mental health.  Twenty- five young ladies between the ages of 10-20 years old in Freetown attended the mentoring session.   Lunch and transportation were provided to the girls in attendance as well as toiletries including body splash, deodorant,  4 bars of soap, vaseline, toothpaste, and a toothbrush (pictured above).

Girls Mentoring on Leadership & Public Speaking

Thanks in part to your ongoing support, the Develop Africa Sierra Leone (DASL) team held another girls’ mentoring program on the topic of leadership and public speaking.  Twenty- eight young ladies between the ages of 10-20 years old in Freetown attended October's mentoring session.   Lunch and transportation were provided to the girls in attendance.

The guest speaker, Mrs. Dolly I. used the following points to engage the girls:

Twenty-Five Students Completed Computer Classes

We greatly appreciate your ongoing support for the future leaders in Sierra Leone. Thanks to you, more youths and young adults are getting the computer training they need for success in today's technology-driven environment.  The full computer course takes 6 months and in October twenty-five students received certificates of completion.  Among them, there were 16 young men and 9 young women ranging from senior secondary school to young adults.

Light of the World Brought Light to Students in Sierra Leone

We are truly grateful for every donation made to benefit students in Sierra Leone.   Light of the World is a non-profit club with the mission of raising money to provide solar lanterns for children around the world who are currently using harmfulLight of the Word Team kerosene lanterns & to make an impact in the world through community service.   They donated 40 solar lights to

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Families in Sierra Leone face unprecedented challenges due to rising costs. Inflation makes it difficult for them to afford basic food staples such as rice, cooking oil, and onions.

Extending a helping hand can alleviate a significant burden and provide essential relief to the less fortunate.

Help provide relief by donating today!

Help provide relief food