The year has sped by so quickly and its already almost November. Its Harvest time / Fall Season for many areas around the world and a time of thankfulness. We are especially grateful to you - our faithful friends, donor and supporters. Thanks to you, the tailoring trainees below show their handiwork, youths full of potential have received forward-thinking leadership training and children in Cameroon are learning about manufacturing etc.
Our little drops of water are helping to make the world a better place, one life at a time. The video by the tailoring trainees confirms that we are uplifting lives and making a positive change. Thanks for reaching out, touching someone's hand with us and joining us in making the world a better place.
We excitedly look forward to doing so much more. Thanks for walking this road with us...
-The Develop Africa Team
Featured Video: Show and Tell - Tailoring Trainees Tell What They Have Learned and Show Their Handiwork
Tailoring trainees at Develop Africa's Empowerment and Training Institute in Sierra Leone tell of how they are no longer idle, have learned how to sew and show the beautiful, custom-styled dresses that they have sewed.
Special thanks to Choose a Need, GlobalGiving and Develop Africa donors for helping to bring hope and purpose to many, many lives.
Project Update - CAPEC School Cameroon - Kids Performed Well Academically
It has been a very successful and fantastic year of good health at Bitame Lucia School given that none of the children registered any major illness and am so excited that they all got to perform well in their academic work. Apart from the academic achievements, the kids took part in excursion and other recreational activities. During the trimester, the children visited a brewery company to see how soft drinks are made. They also took part in the 20th May Celebration, which is the reunification day in Cameroon.
65 Students Challenged at Develop Africa's Forward Thinking and Creative Leadership Conference - July 2012
Develop Africa Inc. hosted its first Forward Thinking and Creative Leadership Conference & Workshop with the Excellent Student Network International, at the British Council - July 2012. This conference was led by Dr Jasmine Renner, Develop Africa's Director of Development and International Outreaches.
The conference was well attended with a total of 65 students. Trainees came from different institutions such as Fourah Bay College, Institute of Public Administration and Management, College of Medicine Health and Allied Sciences, etc. The conference was also attended by non-registered participants and included guests from all works of life including, the Justice Sector, the World Bank, Save the Children and several other distinguished guests.
Participants in the conference learnt through an interactive workshop and training about what Forward Thinking and Creative leadership meant. Through active interaction, engagement and collaboration, participants engaged in dissecting case scenarios of critical challenges facing the African continent and suggested best practices and consultative steps using the mind-set of a forward-thinking and a creative leader. Read more...
AIDSL - Launch of Business Development Services - Youth Employment and Empowerment Programme
Our partner AIDSL is managing a Youth Employment and Empowerment Programme with the United Nations Development Programme in Sierra Leone. Photos show launch of Business Development Services ceremony on 18th July 2012 at the British Council Hall, Tower Hill, Freetown. Great opportunity to empower youths providing mentoring and business startup funds to 250 youths!
We can help create a brighter day and make the world a better place together!
Help DA go to the next level:
Make your best gift today!
Sign up for a recurring monthly donation: This would help us significantly - $10, $25, $50 or more.
Volunteer quality time: We could use your help, no matter where you live. Provided that you are committed to help and willing to do whatever it takes. Some opportunities are listed here - or you tell us specifically what you can do for us.
With the best of wishes...
Sylvester Renner and The Develop Africa Team
Families in Sierra Leone face unprecedented challenges due to rising costs. Inflation makes it difficult for them to afford basic food staples such as rice, cooking oil, and onions.
Extending a helping hand can alleviate a significant burden and provide essential relief to the less fortunate.