Nutritious Meals for Families in Need
Many families live in extreme poverty in Freetown. Thanks to your support Marion, a struggling young mom, was provided with a range of items including two dozen eggs, two boxes of cornflakes, a tin of Ovaltine, sugar, two rolls of milk and some funds to cover other needs such as rice.
According to the UN, Sierra Leone ranks close to the bottom of the Human Development Index. More than half of its population lives on less than US$1.90 a day. Almost half of all child deaths in Sierra Leone are attributable to malnutrition, the single greatest cause of child mortality in the country. We want to change those statistics by supporting more families like Marion's family.
Your continued support is appreciated to help more deserving families receive the nutritious meals they need. Nutritious meals will help children and families grow well and perform well intellectually. These children will grow into healthy, educated adults that will impact their communities and nation - and even the world.