Sub-Saharan Africa has faced health related challenges for many years, including Ebola, which gained worldwide attention a few years ago when it spread beyond the continent of Africa and threatened lives abroad. Thankfully, the 2014-2015 Ebola Outbreak has been contained, but as much of the world starts to relax, Africa continues its ongoing fight against malaria.
In 2015, Sub-Saharan Africa suffered the largest number of malaria infections in comparison to any other region or country in the world, claiming 90% of malaria infections and 92% of malaria-caused deaths worldwide [1]. Sadly, over 300,000 children under the age of five died in 2015 in Africa because of malaria [1]. Although these statistics are staggering, they represent a dramatic reduction of malaria infections since 2010, proving that prevention and treatment methods are making a positive impact [1].
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), insecticide-treated mosquito nets are an effective prevention tool that can be used to protect those who are at high risk of malaria infection [1]. People with suppressed immune systems are at particular risk of malaria infection, including pregnant women and HIV-infected individuals [2].
Develop Africa wants to provide people in Sub-Saharan Africa with the resources needed to fight against malaria. With volunteers already in place in the region, Develop Africa is in a position to make effective contributions to this fight in countries like Sierra Leone, Cameroon, and The Gambia. You can join our fight by making a donation here; we will use the money for life-saving mosquito nets. We also have an active fundraising campaign on Facebook where you can donate and share this fundraiser with your friends.
The world will never be free from the risk of malaria until we defeat the problem at the epicenter. It is our hope that by raising additional funds for malaria prevention we can help make a difference and save lives together.
[1] World Health Organization. 10 facts on malaria. Retrieved March 19, 2017 from http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/malaria/en/
[2] World Health Organization. Malaria: Fact sheet. Retrieved March 19, 2017 from http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs094/en/