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Mabinty is Thankful for her Vocational Training

After the Ebola Epidemic, Develop Africa Sierra Leone set up a Tailoring Training Center for young ladies with the objective of helping young girls to learn sewing skills, empower themselves and become self-reliant. Your ongoing support has helped multiple vocational trainees get the training they need to be self-reliant.  Mabinty tells us in this video how vocational training has helped her

Hello, my name is Mabinty. I have been part of this Tailoring Training Centre since the Ebola outbreak. I really appreciate you all for your support. During the course of the Ebola outbreak, I lost my family. After the Ebola outbreak, I knew I needed to do something to provide for myself. So I became a part of the Tailoring Training Centre and I have been acquiring sewing skills. I want to say thank you because now I can sew shirts, I sew coats, I can sew men clothes, I sew women clothes and different styles and in return for my service to people, I have been paid which helps me to meet my needs. I appreciate that and I want to tell them thank you for what they have done for me. The other 20 students and I work hard and really appreciate the training. It is because of this opportunity that I have the training I need. I want to say thank you to you, I really appreciate it and I thank you for all you have done for me. 


We welcome your continued support in making a difference in the lives of more vocational students. We encourage you to start a monthly recurring donation here. Even a few dollars a month will go a long way. Please also share this with your contacts and invite them to consider supporting this ongoing project.


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