Empowering the Next Generation: Mission Possible!
Your donations are making a positive impact on the next generation of leaders in Freetown. Thanks to your support we have been able to send and distribute books and school supplies to the United Methodist Church Primary School at George Brook, Freetown.
Please watch the video of the United Methodist Church Primary School students singing their school song and excitedly accepting the books.
An article in the Huffington Post caught our attention that we would like to share:
"Unless we change course, nearly half the world’s children born this year will end their school years without the basic skills needed for the global labor market in 2030. And come the middle of the century, one African child in three will leave school without completing their basic secondary education. By then, Korea, Japan and Taiwan will deliver higher educational opportunity for 80 percent or more of their school leavers while the Central African Republic, Congo and Niger will, at best, struggle to reach five per cent."
Together we believe we can change these statistics. This mission is possible. We are changing lives and destinies, one child at a time.
We appreciate your continued support as we educate the future leaders of Freetown. Help us change the predictions that only 5% of African children will have the opportunity to attend school. Help us make sure no child is left behind. Thank you!