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Donate Your Kindle, iPad, Nook or eReader to Children or Schools in Africa

For many, there is nothing better than the escape of curling up on the couch and reading a favorite book from their Kindle. That same Kindle can provide an African student the escape from the cycle of poverty and place them on a path toward a bright future.        
Kindles, iPads, Nooks or eReaders are the latest technology being introduced into African classrooms across the continent today. Students are obtaining access to thousands of books in the palm of their hand, enriching their education and improving literacy.
While conventional books are still important and needed in the classroom, Kindles provide benefits to a student in Africa that books cannot provide.

1. A one time investment in the Kindle’s (or iPad's or eReader's) hardware provides a lifetime of knowledge through software.

A set of conventional books is more costly and less flexible than a Kindle. Books cannot be updated to keep pace with the latest information available. Additionally, the delivery of conventional books from the publisher to the hands of the children takes valuable time. Kindles provide the same books in its electronic form at a fraction of the cost. Updating text is only a matter of downloading the latest edition from an Internet connection within the same device. By investing in Kindles, teachers can save valuable time and focus on providing a quality education.

Donate Kindle or ereader

2.  The literature within a Kindle is preserved and accessible.

Books no matter how diligently cared for, suffer wear and tear through use. However, with the Kindle, ripped pages, bent bindings, and stray pencil marks will be non-existent. The text is kept pristine within the device. The size and portability of ereaders also gives a student the ability to access hundreds of ebooks from virtually anywhere. With an ereader, the world becomes the child’s classroom.


3.  Kids succeed!

By donating a Kindle, you will give an African student an essential tool in completing their education. In fact, students all over Africa are already showing the difference Kindles make in the classroom. Worldreader, a non-profit organization addressing literacy in Africa, first introduced ereaders into the classroom by providing 16 Kindles to the Orphan Aid Africa School in Ayenyah, Ghana. 



 Please consider donating your ereader to help students in Africa. If you do not have an ereader, please make a monetary donation to go toward buying these devices. Your generosity can provide a student in Africa with a quality education and a bright future.

We will be happy to receive your Kindle, iPad, Nook or eReader donation.  Simply let us know when and how many you are shipping.  Thanks for your support!



We are so thankful for the Kindle Donations that we have received that are making a difference for students in Africa.   You can see photos in our albums below of the most recent distribution of 41 Kindles.  31 kindles were donated to El-Bethel Primary and Secondary School and 10 to Success Tall Academy, Nursery and Preparatory School.  The teachers and students of both schools were very excited to receive the kindles and were very thankful to donors and Develop Africa for the kindles. 

The teachers received training before the distribution of kindles.   During the course of the training, the teachers were taught how to use the different features and functions of the device and how to access e-books stored in the E-reader technology (kindle). The training was interactive and the teachers from both schools were given the opportunity to ask questions.  


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