A Case Study and Progress Report About Isata
Our story begins in 2010:
Isata was born in August 1999 in a very poor home. Her mother and father both work, but are struggling to care for their six children and they live in a slum dwelling. Isata has been able to attend school the past eight years thanks to Develop Africa's scholarship program.
Janet, a coordinator for Develop Africa said, "One day Isata and her mother went to sell charcoal in my compound. At eleven years old Isata had not started schooling. Upon inquiring,
I found out that she was not going to school because her mother could not afford her school charges. I asked the mother to enroll Isata in school with the assurance of sponsorship.
I enrolled Isata in the Develop Africa sponsorship project." Isata pictured here is from 2010 when Isata started school.
Had Janet not enrolled Isata in school through Develop Africa's scholarship program, she would never have gone to school and would still be hawking charcoal with her mom.
Update in 2018:
Isata said the reason she would like to be a nurse is that she "would like to contribute to the development of health services in my society"
Develop Africa is confident that Isata will be a future nurse thanks to generous donors that help support Develop Africa's sponsorship/scholarship program.