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April is for Autism Awareness

Thank you for your continued support that is making an impact for Autism therapy in Senegal.  Below is from the Dakar Team about their activities in April, which is Autism Awareness month.

Hello readers and supporters, 

April is Autism Awareness and Acceptance month. In April (just as during all other months of the year!), we really focus on sending messages of awareness and inclusion to those we reach. As awareness in Senegal is generally low, we decided to focus on goals broader than treatment and therapy. 

This month, we ran a training with a local professional development program called IAB - Institut Académique des Bébés. This program really focuses on the 0-3 age group level, teaching adults of all ages the key developmental progressions and issues within very young children. After a final temporary work placement, the students are certified and able to return to their hometowns (if not Dakar) to continue the chain of education and professional growth themselves. To find out more about this program, visit their web page at 

Adair's talk, "Autism 101," addressed all major components of autism today, including core and associated symptoms at very young ages, diagnostic procedures and needs, known causal factors, and practical teaching strategies. 

In other news, we may be attending the Pan-African Congress on Autism (PACA) this year! Stay tuned for more. 

Senegal class


Your support has made a difference for students with autism in the Dakar region of Senegal.  We encourage you to start a monthly recurring donation here to continue helping students with Autism in the Dakar region of Senegal.  Even a few dollars a month will go a long way.  Please also share this with your contacts and invite them to consider supporting this ongoing project. 


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