Life without an education is like a dull pencil - pointless - Exceptional Pencil Drive
Throughout the year many exceptional individuals and groups run school supplies and pencil drives. We are deeply grateful to each and every one of them for their support.
Here is an email excerpt from the Pencil Project drive conducted by the Rison High School East
My name is A.C (name withheld) and my school's EAST Lab wanted to do a project that would make a difference somewhere in the world. I did some research online and found your organization. I got together a group of three students and we decided to create a project which is known as the Pencil Project. My group asked the two elementary schools within our district to donate as many pencils as they could to help send to your organization. They agreed to help. As a reward for the class for collecting the most pencils we said we'd throw them a pizza and ice cream party. My group even created flyers to help spread the word.
We also came up with a slogan: "Life without an education is like a dull pencil - pointless." We hoped this would get people more motivated to donate because we felt this slogan would help everyone appreciate their education more and help them realize that there were some less fortunate people around the world. We gave each school about a month to collect the most pencils. After the deadline, we brought the pencils back to the school and counted them. I am proud to say that we collected about 9,415 pencils in total! We hope this will help your organization!
Yes A.C. this will help a whole lot. Thanks so much for your support!
The DA Team