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Student Success Stories - Beth Interviews 3 Computer Training Graduates

Imagine going through school never touching a computer.  Those of us who are of a certain age can imagine this.  Maybe we used a manual or electric typewriter, then graduated to a word processor, wondering at how the machine could store our report and allow us to make edits without retyping whole pages.  But for a millennial, the thought of going through school – through high school – without using a computer is unimaginable.

Small Donations Make a Difference

On our trip to Sierra Leone (see previous blog post), my wife and I had the opportunity to briefly visit the village of Kamawornie, tour the local primary and secondary schools, and meet with teachers, students, and parents.  Our short stay in the village opened our eyes though to not only the desperate requirement for basic educational resources, but also to the fact that for a few dollars we could meaningfully address this need.

My TEDxYouth Experience in Freetown

I went back home after 3 years of studying in the States. I wasn’t sure about what to expect. A part of me was excited to see my family and catch up with my friends and another part was a little scared. I have heard a lot of international students like myself say they feel like don’t fit anywhere- “too foreign for home and too foreign away from home”. That was scary to think about.  When I got home, I was quite impressed with the improvement in infrastructure. The main roads were good and there was 24-hour electricity for the full two months I was at home.

The Sphere of Peace, Security and Development

Peace is a state of wellness, a feeling of safety and a freedom from disturbance. Peace is felt in an environment of calmness, harmony and security. Security here can be expressed as a state of being free from danger or threat; to feel protected and safe. In this regard, peace and security are usually influential on each other and create the environmental space in which we all would like to exist in.

How To Transform Gender Education Statistics In Sierra Leone

Gender discussions are mostly among heated topical issues not only in Sierra Leone but the world at large. For discussions like this, it is but imperative to unearth the meaning of Gender which stands as the centrality in this topic, and which also holds bearing to the economic, social, political, and cultural characteristics and opportunities related to both Women and Men. The social definitions of what it actually means to be a woman or a man vary among cultures and is constantly changing as time passes by.

What It Would Take For Africa to Take Its Place in The World: Needed Changes in Education


Africa which is the second largest continent on earth after Asia by size and population is also home to river Nile, the longest river in the world. A continent blessed with various human and natural resources such as copper, gold, natural gas, timber, cocoa, diamond, uranium, salt, tropical fruits among others. These resources make Africa ranked the number one when it comes to the abundance of natural resources. Africa’s vast arable lands and its great potential for hydroelectric power, solar energy and geothermal energy attract countries from other continents.

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Families in Sierra Leone face unprecedented challenges due to rising costs. Inflation makes it difficult for them to afford basic food staples such as rice, cooking oil, and onions.

Extending a helping hand can alleviate a significant burden and provide essential relief to the less fortunate.

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